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The power of God to heal

Hello Momo! I hope you're doing good! I certainly am. :) This week was a very special one.     We had MLC this week, which is where the leadership of the mission all comes together to pray and discuss what could be done better for the missionaries and the whole mission. We didn't get to take part in the meeting, but I got to schedule all of the train/bus tickets for everyone! We also coordinated where everyone was sleeping and stuff. What made it crazy was that somehow like 6 emails disappeared with ticket info. On the day of, I got a lot of calls from missionaries who needed to get on their train in like 5 minutes but they didn't have their tickets!! I sent them two weeks before had, so I'm assuming people just skipped over them in their inboxes without realizing what they were, because they were all in my "successfully sent" folder. Either way, I forwarded it back to them and they got along on their way. :) So it all worked out. Bu...

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