MIssionary life at Christmas time.

From Dec 23, 2017:

Hello Sweet Missionary Mom!

I'm doing fandidlytastic!! This week was a good one. Exciting, and good. I'm getting a hold of my duties better every day, and I feel closer to the Lord, too. Working with Elder W is alot of fun :) 
Things really have been great this week. We had an amazing lesson with our friend Fernando from Peru. He's a guy that has been humbled sufficiently to accept Jesus Christ's Gospel as help for his life and for his family. He just wants to rectify some wrongs in his family life.As we were talking with him this week we got on the subject of missionary work, and his eyes lit up as he looked at me and said: "You know, I saw an older missionary in the church last week... like way older than you. I thought only young people can be missionaries?" I replied: "No, seniors can serve as missionaries too!" His reply was awesome: "Can I do that too? I would love to preach the Gospel after I'm baptized." SO COOL. We'll definitely be setting a baptismal date for this guy this week. If we didn't we'd be crazy. 
Me and Elder W at the Christmas Party

Other than that we had a Christmas Conference! It was wonderful. We had our training and then played White Elephant and sang Christmas Carols. It was a great evening. The ending was weird, because Sister Brown decided to play Christmas songs in the cultural hall. It turned into a dance, where Elders danced with Elders and Sisters with Sisters. Haha! Not their intention. It was funny though. It really was a great week though. We have quite a few Christmas parties to go to tomorrow! One with the Sommer family with the APs and one with the Browns in the evening, not to mention the other two appointments the other Elders are having. It'll be a grand time. 

E. Calcamuggio fell asleep again...
We're having a hard time getting in contact with one of our investigators again and we think he either found Anti-Mormon stuff in his church history research, or he got deported (The latter option is more likely) and if that's true, that would be so frustrating. It's not the first time it's happened on my mission and it probably won't be the last. I'm just praying we'll get in contact with him or at least find out what happened. Satan is working really hard on this part of the world. There's alot of pride. BUT! That's what we're here to influence. We're here to show people that are looking for more that their life doesn't have to be without hope. Their life doesn't have to be the same as it's always been. There's changes to be made that will make people so unbelievably happy, and If I have to hear "No" a billion times before finding the ready one, so be it. I'm just trying to live worthily of that blessing, to be able to see someone enter the waters of baptism again before my mission is over. The Father's will be done. 
Me and my comp
 So I was reading in the Book of Mormon this week and something occurred to me. I'm not sure what effect it has on my life, and it's not big, but I just find it cool that there's so many good example to follow in the Book of Mormon! Lehi was commanded in a dream to leave all he had in Jerusalem and move into the wilderness. AND HE DID IT. There wasn't even any promise included in this plan. The Lord didn't tell him where he was headed. He didn't tell him what awaited him. He just said: GO. And he went. He left everything he probably loved a lot. His friends and family that wouldn't come with him. But because the Lord commanded it, he went. His trust in the Lord was so strong. I can't imagine being able to do such a thing. But that's not all! He travels for a long time, and a great distance. It was tough. They weren't used to being in the wilderness. And finally, after a great distance of travel and no small measure of tribulation and trial they stop to rest. I can tell you what I would do at this point. I would go to bed! I'd sleep! I'd eat something, sit down, or whatever... But that's not what Lehi did. Lehi collected some stones and began building an altar, and when he was finished building he offered sacrifice and thanks unto God. Thanks for what?? He was just lead out of the city into the wilderness, nothing really good had even happened yet! Lehi was a man who knew how to be grateful for his blessings, even the smallest ones. He saw their exodus as the greatest blessing they could've received at the time. This made me reflect on how often I am blessed or receive an answer to my prayers and I forget to get on my knees and thank Him. 

Good examples are everywhere to find in the scriptures. That story also reminded me of your "Exodus" to Cashmere from the Tri-Cities. Maybe it wasn't as far as Lehi's, or as long, and you certainly didn't sleep in tents by the seashore, but your faith was just as strong as Lehi's. You and Dad received a commandment from the Lord to take your family essentially into the wilderness, and you responded to the call. You got up and moved. Without a reason, or even the slightest idea why. We had even just bought that house, and we loved it. We left friends and family. But I can remember all the blessings you've told me about the move. It took a while to realize why Heavenly Father asked you to move, but from what I hear, it's become clear. Thanks for being a good example for me, Mom. Dad too. You inspire me to get up and move when I receive a commandment from the Lord. 

My Christmas box!!

I'm glad Kolton got his first chance to play in the snow!!! What an awesome experience. I can't wait to finally meet the guy either!!! That was one of my greatest hopes in life, that Rachel would meet that guy that would treat her right. We really are blessed, and I'm so happy for her. Skyping will be so awesome!!! Yeah we try to keep it around an hour, but we always seem to go over a little bit xD Around an hour is good. 
Gospel Library now has a sense of humor thanks to the Update!


As for Christmas, we'll also only have an hour for church. :) Which is good, because of all the places we're invited to. 

As for the song I sang with President, one of the APs got it recorded!!! I just need to get it from him, and I'll get it to you. It's the only song I've ever performed where I sang the highest note I possibly can!!! And guess what? I nailed it!!! high A flat!! It was a miracle really. I really like being so close to president. He really does remind me of Dad, and Sister Brown reminds me of you. It's kind of nice to have such caring people around me. 

I can't believe Gracie is getting so old!! I won't even recognize her when I get home!! I'm proud of her though. She just told me last week that her testimony is so strong. Quote: "I feel like a spiritual Jedi" close quote. Both her and Skylar. All I can ask for is a family that stays anchored in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We really have the most blessed family, and I don't think all the powers of the world can take that from us. Not if we stay strong. 

Well Momo I hope that was a good update!!! Sorry it wasn't so exciting, but sometimes not too much happens during the week. :) I love you and can't wait to talk to you in a few days!!!! 

Till Then!!! xoxoxoxoxo

-Elder Tanner Larson


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