A walk with Hans.

Hey all!

Sorry if this reply is a little shorter than normal, I'm a little bit strapped for time tonight. 

Thanks for the update!!! I love knowing that you guys take care of the missionaries as well. It makes a huge difference to Missionaries. Trust me. It's huge.
Dooring during a blizzard in Neunkirchen
 My week was great :) And things are going great with everyone. Elder Ormsby's German has improved so much already. And his confidence. He's a great companion and a best friend. Yeah I forgot to mention that I met Hanna! We see each other about every Tuesday because of District meetings and stuff. She's companions with Sister Gunderson from the MTC. 

On the train.

I am feeling better this week, no more sick!! It actually snowed this week! Alot!! A foot or so! Very beautiful. 

Well now i can tell you about my week!

Tuesday: Nothing exciting really happened xD We went to District meeting in Wien! I taught about how we can better support the members of the church in our areas and how we can help them support us the best. It was pretty fun! After that we had lunch at Subway (Not as good as America, but not bad!) 

Wednesday: We went to our ward mission counsel with Brother Pikal and had just a wonderful time! We talked a lot about all our people. For lunch, we had some kind of sausage Gulasch. It was super good! After that we met with Hans again! It was an interesting lesson... It was very spiritual, and we talked a lot about his smoking problem. He wants to so bad. He's just very afraid of quitting.  After that, we went knockin' on some doors! It's always lot's of fun. 
The blizzard from out our apartment window.
Thursday: Thursday is our big day we reserve primarily for finding people to teach! We went to Neunkirchen in the middle of a BLIZZARD!! And went door to door. :D That was a lot of fun! It started great conversations. "Why are you out here, are you crazy??" "No, we're out here because It's true!" "What's true??" "The message we share! Wanna hear it??" Hehe it was fun. After that we taught German class to Moheb once more.

Friday: Friday was a super full day. :O We went and taught Rudolph, Then had lunch with the family Härtig, then went and taught Gabriele, and then went to the Pinols for dinner. It was so full! I wish every day was like that. Gabriele was awesome. Again. We came in and she had read the Book of Mormon and taken NOTES! And had QUESTIONS READY. Everything we couldve dreamed of!! We had a great discussion about her questions and the Plan of Salvation. We're going back on Saturday. I'm very excited for her. We ate Schnitzel with the Härtigs (my favorite) and a special Spanish desert at the Pinols... It was some kind of cake you dip in Hot Chocolate... It was very good. 
Elder Ormsby boiled me an egg for dinner.
Saturday: We went the whole day dooring in a place called Leobersdorf. We found no one... but we had lot's of fun :) After that we met with Hans. Which was possibly one of the most inspiring moments ever... We got him to do something... Hans is a man that always says he will do something, but then doesn't. He tells us he has to lose weight and should go walking every day. But he doesn't go. So this time I said lets go right now. He said yes! I couldn't expect what happened next. I figured out why he was so scared of walking. We went out and it was ok for a bit. After about 50 feet he was breathing heavy. by 100 he was sweating. At 150 he was crying. I found out he has a back problem because he's too heavy. When he walks, he has really intense pain in his back, because his spine has trouble supporting him. The doctors told him he needs to walk to make it better. But he kept going. He took some breaks (understandable) but I can't explain how he looked. In pain. But determined. By the time we got back to his apartment, I felt like crying. And he was so happy. Because he did it. He was just so happy. He called us like an hour later and thanked us again. He was so grateful, he tricked Elder Ormsby into eating a piece of Alcoholic Chocolate... heheh. (I was not aware) But he was very proud of himself... 
Me walking with Hans
Sunday: We had an appointment with the Prudic family!! Very fun family. They loved telling jokes about America xD For food we had a very Austrian meal. Roast beef with Blaukraut (I dont know what that is in Englisch) And Sammel Knödel. It was delicious.  

And that was our week :) 

Thanks for the update! I love you all and can't wait until next week! I love you very much and hope y'all have a great week. 

Elder Larson


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